Makers We Admire: Lorraine @the.sewcialite
Coming up to the end of the year, this Makers we Admire will be the final of the year. What an amazing series it has been. We knew we wanted to interview someone very inspiring for the final post of 2020, so who other than the very talented Lorraine, from @the.sewcialite. Her sewing skills speak for themselves in all her posts, she also has a fantastic blog you can view here. Lorraine really sparks a lot of creativity and some major inspo to our Instagram feed, (be sure to give her a follow) we have loved getting to know a little more about her below.
Tell us your name & Instagram name?
Hello! My name is Lorraine or @the.sewcialite on Instagram
We read on your blog the journey you took from being a teacher to a dressmaking teacher, what made you take the leap into specifically teaching sewing?
I'll need to clarify first, I was teaching sewing workshops as a hobby. I didn't actually become a formal dressmaking teacher apart from taking the online sewing teacher accreditation course by Burda. I am currently doing further studies in mathematics education, but sewing is still a passion of mine!

When you are ready to start a new project, do you look for a pattern to suit a particular trend or look? Or do you prefer to draft/hack your own?
I always try to hack a pattern I own first before looking for a pattern - mostly because I can't be bothered to go through the process of tracing a new pattern or to go out to get a new pattern printed!

Do you have any sewing pet hates, or any part of the sewing process you just don't like?
I don't like gathering and unpicking!
What has been your most satisfying make so far? And why?
My most satisfying sew is the Sapporo coat by Papercut patterns! Simply because it comes together so quickly and looks so stylish!.
Is there a certain sewing technique that took the most longest time to master? If so, what is it?
Setting in sleeves!

I noticed you have self drafted patterns, how was that process?
I enjoy drafting SIMPLE patterns, simply because of my lack of drafting skills. Otherwise, I do prefer to buy patterns and then hack them!
Is there a reason you started sewing? Or a person who taught you?
I've been sewing since I was 8, but it was in 2015 when a student teacher gifted me the book Love at First Stitch by Tilly Walnes, and that was the book that get me started in sewing clothes!
What is your favourite Swim Style pattern?
I love the Celeste Bikini!
What do you love about the sewing community?
The kindness and support everyone has for each other! I of course LOVE the inspiration I get from other people's posts too!