Mother's Stories for Mother's Day
This Mother's Day we spoke to some beautiful women who are mothers, to celebrate the connection of sewing and motherhood.
Some of us were taught to sew by our Mum's and some are sewing for their kids. This skill is quite commonly passed down through the generations, which make the sewing memories even more special.
Being a Mother/Daughter business we wanted to highlight the connection between sewing and family bonds.
In the lead up to Mother's Day, we will be sending an email out interviewing a community member to dive deeper into Motherhood and the sewing connection.
For our first interview, we speak with Mel from @Melt.Stitches about her sewing journey and what has influenced her over the years.

Mel from @Melt.Stitches
How did you fall in love with sewing and did anyone close to you influence this?
I was feeling very inspired after seeing some DIY videos on youtube, back in 2019. I didn’t have any friends or family who sewed but the way the lady in the video could trace an old dress and make a new one, seemed very do-able to me. I decided to get a sewing machine and realised it wasn’t that easy lol. I was very determined though and taught myself to sew after many hours of practice. I found that it was easier for me to follow a pattern and learn by following the instructions rather than just winging it. I made a decent amount of mistakes along the way but loved the whole process of learning!
What is the most enjoyable part of sewing for your son?
I don’t sew for my son often, but when I do, I love the thought that the things you make could be keepsakes for them in the future. I made my son a cute library bag with some rainbows and whales that he loves so much. I really hope it lasts and he can keep it in the future.
Do you have any tips for sewing little ones' clothing?
If you have a picky child, like mine, be prepared for them to choose the fabric, choose the pattern and NOT want to wear it once it’s sewn up 😂
Also, if you want your child to be able to wear the garment for as long as possible, I’d recommend making things with adjustable sizing, like overalls. You can also fold the leg cuffs up and tie the straps a bit tighter for the first year. I made a very cute pair of denim dungarees last year and I wish I had thought of that!
How do you try balance life being a Mum and is it difficult to find time to sew?
My sewing practice has definitely reduced since having a child but I still make time to sew once or twice a week. My mum doesn’t drive so I’ll take my cut projects, tools and sewing machine to her place and my son will have grandma time while I sew. It’s hard to set up and sew in someone else’s house and there’s been times I've forgotten interfacing or not cut enough straps but it’s better than not sewing at all. Sometimes I get mum guilt and wonder if I should be doing more enriching with my son, but it’s good for him to have family time and important to me to keep doing my hobbies to feel like myself.
Thank you Mel for sharing parts of your sewing story We wish you a very happy Mother's Day X
I love the thought that the things you make could be keepsakes for them in the future. I made my son a cute library bag with some rainbows and whales that he loves so much. I really hope it lasts and he can keep it in the future.
Mel's collection of Swim Style Patterns

Mel in her High Waist Collective Bikini

Mel in her Bronte Bathers (Swim Style made in collaboration with Peppermint Mag).

Mel in her Therese Dress